Spite and Malice

No of Players

2 - 5 … Use 3 packs of cards

6 - 8 … Use 4 packs of cards


As agreed - suggest an amount for every card remaining in the eleven card stack at the end of the game.

Cards to be Dealt

Two packs to each player as follows -

  1. Eleven cards (10 face down, top card showing)
  2. Five cards - (not disclosed and held in hand)


To be the first player to get rid of all the cards in the eleven card stack.


Cut for deal. Dealer changes with each game in clockwise rotation. After the deal the residue of the pack remains in the centre of the table.


Play commences with the player on the left of the dealer and gets underway if an ace is held, either on the top of the sleeping pack of 11 cards or from the hand holding 5 cards. If an ace is not held, then the player places one card face upward in front from the 5 cards held. This is the commencement of one of four discard piles allowed for each person.

The process is repeated around the table until an ace is produced. Once each player has had a turn, the first to play draws a card or cards from the residue of the pack in the centre of the table so that the cards held once again total 5. If an ace is still not forthcoming, a second discard pile is started. A "go" finishes once a player has placed a card on one of his or her discard piles.

Once an ace is played it is placed face upwards in the centre of the table and the go is continued by that player who plays cards in numerical sequence (i.e. 2,3,4, etc) of any suit on the ace or alternatively plays a further ace or aces. Cards should be played in the following recommended order or priority -

  1. The top of the sleeping pack of 11 cards revealing the next card when the top card is played.
  2. From hand.
  3. From one of the four discard piles.


Kings are wild but they cannot replace a 7 or an Ace.

A wild card may be used to continue a sequence with the exceptions mentioned above.

A maximum of 4 Aces may be displayed in the centre of the table at any one time.

Once a sequence on an ace reaches the queen, that pack is removed from the centre of the table (these cards are shuffled and utilised again if necessary to supplement the central pack), thereby creating a space for a new ace to be played.

Once a player's four discard piles are in use, further cards are placed on any of the four cards showing. Only the top card on a discard pile may be used to continue a go. It follows that once the top card is removed from the discard pile, the next card becomes the top card. A wild card or an Ace may be placed in a discard pile if a player wishes, but take care because once covered it does not become freely available.

A player's "go" always commences by taking a card or cards from the top of the residue of the pack in the centre of the table to make the hand held up to 5 cards. If a player's last go was particularly productive, up to 5 cards in one go may be taken.

If a player during the course of a go manages to play all 5 cards held without making the final discard, then a further 5 cards are taken from the central pack and the go continues uninterrupted.


Try and avoid assisting your opponents and concentrate on their upturned card on the pack of 11 as this is the pack that wins the game. You are not obliged to play a card, even if it is a "goer", if you feel it would assist the other players to reduce the number of cards in their pack of 11.




Card Index


Card Tricks